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The Postgraduate of the State University of Surabaya held an inaugural Lecture new student on August 30, 2021 09.00-12.00 WIB. As a resource person, Ir. Dwi Larso, M.SIE., Ph.D. (Director of LPDP Scholarship, Ministry of Finance RI). Theme “Stre
On August 27, 2021, 08.00-10.00 WIB, a Book FGD was held Clarity Learning model and its supporting tools developed by students S3 Science Education Study Program a.n. Sigit Dwi Saputro (Graph 2019) under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Tukiran, M.Si. an
On 20-21 August 2021 a Field Assessment has been carried out S3 Science Education Study Program by BANPT with Assessor Prof. Dr. Wiyanto, M.Si. (University Semarang) and Dr. Mitrayana, M.Sc. (Gadjah Mada University). Hopefully these activities are
In an effort to improve the performance of study programs, the Doctoral Education Study Program Science has conducted a survey through student satisfaction questionnaires. Good luck We can follow up the questionnaire for improvements in order to pr
State University of Surabaya held a selection of Indonesian scholarships Scholarships for Prospective Foreign Students. A total of 31 prospective foreign students who has submitted a study application to Postgraduate, comes from Thailand and Afgha
The Central Library of the State University of Surabaya held a joint webinar publisher Emerald with the theme 'User Training & Guide to Getting Published”. Hopefully useful for improving competence in publications in journals internationally re